Our Terms & Conditions

We have a puppy contract, which provides a lifetime of breeder support, including if you ever have to rehome your bestfriend and a health guarantee for their first years, against herediary disease. Below is the kind of homes we expect for our flouffy friends.

Inside only policy: Titch Labradoodles are bred to be part of the family as such its our policy that the dog enjoys a life with their family, this includes being an inside dog. There is research to suggest that dogs who are surrendered have been outside dogs and this is one of the reasons they are easily given up.

Outside dogs develop undesirable behaviours, these include excessive barking, escaping, digging and anxiety. Access to the house, through a dog door and a warm dry sleeping space are requirements for a Titch Labradoodle.

Titch Labradoodles are considered part of our family and as such should be treated like as a loved member of your family.

Training policy: All Titch Labradoodles receive training and stimulation from an early age, they’re bred specifically for their intelligence as support, therapy and assistance dogs. They are smart! This will require their hoo-mans to be on the ball too and continue training.
We’re happy to help you create a sustainable training program. Like raising children, consistency is the most critical application for a new pup. 

We only support and recommend the use of positive-reinforcement training. Smacking or punishing your dog will never achieve positive benefits or desired behaviour.

As with punishment, the use of choker collars, halti, muzzles, shock collars or anti barking devices are never to be used, these are ineffective at producing desirable outcomes.

Titch Labradoodles works hand in paw with Louise and the team at K9 Pats.

Dog registration: Your local council will have registration requirements that you are expected to comply with, this is the same for those families who are renting. All dogs must be registered to their local Government area (although their voting is not compulsory!)